Terms of Sale

2 February, 2024


These Terms of Sale govern the sale of services provided by Design Aesthetics Studio ('Company,' 'we,' 'us,' and 'our') to you. By purchasing services from us, you agree to these terms and ensure compliance during the tenure of our engagement.

Our Services

Social Media Management: Our service encompasses strategic planning and execution to elevate your presence on various social media platforms. We aim to engage your target audience through consistent, high-quality content that reflects the ethos of your brand within the medical aesthetics industry.

Website Design Services:

  • Design and Creation: We craft bespoke websites that serve as a digital extension of your brand, designed with the specific needs of your clientele in mind. Each website is created to be visually appealing, user-friendly, and optimized for search engines

  • Hosting: Our hosting services ensure that your website is accessible to your audience 24/7. We prioritize security, speed, and reliability, providing a seamless experience for your visitors.

  • Management: Beyond the launch, our website management services are designed to ensure your site remains up-to-date with the latest content, technology, and security measures. This proactive approach allows you to focus on your core business, knowing your online presence is in expert hands.

Visual Identity: We help define and develop your brand's visual identity, creating a cohesive look and feel across all touchpoints. This includes logo design, color scheme, typography, and imagery that together tell your story and set you apart in the crowded medical aesthetics market.

Payment Terms

At Design Aesthetics Studio, we adhere to a clear and forthright payment framework to ensure total transparency from the get-go. Here's how our payment structure works for each of our core services:

1. Website Design Services:

Following our initial consultation, we'll craft a comprehensive proposal for you. This will outline the scope of the service, project milestones, and a detailed payment schedule.For these services, we bill on a milestone basis. This begins with an initial deposit to secure your spot and kickstart the work. Subsequent payments are then aligned with key project phases, culminating in a final payment upon project completion.

2. Visual Identity:

Visual Identity projects are billed in two stages: an initial deposit to commence the creative process, followed by the final payment upon delivery of the completed project.

3. Social Media Management

Social Media Management is invoiced on a monthly basis. This structure is designed to align with our ongoing commitment to enhancing your online presence, allowing our teams to closely collaborate and strategize effectively.

Payment Details:

Upon issuance of an invoice, we kindly request prompt settlement to ensure that our service to you remains continuous and effective. For your convenience, our system will issue email reminders, facilitating the tracking of payments due.

Please be advised that all invoices are payable upon receipt. In the event that payment has not been received within two weeks of the invoice date, we may find it necessary to temporarily suspend our services. This policy has been instituted to safeguard our ability to consistently deliver work of the highest quality to our clientele, informed by our experiences.

Payment Methods:

Payments can be made via cheque, card payments or e-trasfers, to provide you with a seamless payment experience.

Revisions and Feedback

Your satisfaction is paramount to us. Following the delivery of each milestone, we allocate time for your review and provide a designated number of revisions based on the service package chosen. We welcome your feedback to ensure the final product aligns with your vision. Additional revisions beyond the agreed number will be subject to further discussion and possible additional charges.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Should you need to cancel our services, we kindly ask for written notice as soon as possible. In the event of cancellation. It's important to note that clauses vary depending on the service, reflecting the unique aspects and commitments involved in each project. Any initial deposit is non-refundable and intended to cover the preliminary work and resources allocated to your project. We encourage open communication to address any concerns before opting for cancellation.

Intellectual Property

Upon full payment and completion of the project, ownership of the final designed materials will be transferred to you. However, underlying assets (including but not limited to templates, codes, and source files) used in creating these materials remain the intellectual property of Design Aesthetics Studio. We reserve the right to utilize and display the work in our portfolio and marketing materials.

Limitation of Liability

Design Aesthetics Studio shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from our services. Our liability is strictly limited to the scope of work agreed upon and the amount paid by you for the services rendered. This limitation of liability is a fundamental part of our agreement and acknowledges the risks and rewards inherent in the professional services we provide.

Changes to Terms of Sale

We may update these Terms of Sale from time to time to reflect changes in our operations or legal requirements. The latest version of the Terms of Sale will always be available on our website. Continuing to use our services after such changes signifies your agreement to the updated terms.

Governing Law

These Terms of Sale and any dispute arising from our services will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction where Design Aesthetics Studio is headquartered. By agreeing to these terms, you consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of these courts for any disputes.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Terms of Sale or any aspect of our services, please reach out to us at:

Design Aesthetics Studio
